Some people are struggling to understand the difference between the idea and plan. Although the plan starts with an idea, it has become much more than an idea that really be the plan. The plan must include strategies that will develop the idea. This strategy should have some clear goals that are specific and measurable.
To be honest, the ideas are often more exciting than planning. Ideas can often be reduced to witty sayings that can be put on bumper stickers or posted as a Facebook status, or tweeted our many followers in cyberspace. Ideas are often infectious, perhaps even contagious. But the idea, no plans to develop these ideas, they often have no lasting value. They stir up much interest when it was first proposed, but then begins to fade when people realize nothing will happen to move the idea forward.
Plans may be less exciting than the idea, but if you need innovative thinkers to bring their great ideas to the masses. The plans take time to develop. The plans require resources such as manpower, money, or training materials. The plans sometimes have to change the way the situation changes or unforeseen circumstances.
Plans usually require collaboration with other people who have similar, but slightly different, ideas. When similar, but different ideas are connected, both original ideas have changed. It can be a struggle for some thinkers who like to think purists. But a stagnant idea is rarely useful. Since it has a good plan that will be supported by a wider base will usually be necessary for the idea to become reality.
In my role as a catalyst for church planting in New England, I work with many young ministers who are filled with excitement. They have a lot of good ideas for how to change a struggling community. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement. But part of my job as a catalyst to help them through what will actually make their ideas happen. I'm not sure that they always like it when they get together with me. I tend to ask questions about what you plan to do this week or this month or next week or next month, bringing their ideas to the next level. I ask them where they will find the manpower and money to make these plans work. I give them suggestions for which are still found today that I can share some of their passion and inspire them to create partnerships that are mutually beneficial to everyone involved, even if it means adapting their ideas about what you hope to accomplish. However, when their ideas become real plans, and then their plans become reality, it is exciting to watch their eyes light up as they realized that they can do it, and they can do well!
No matter how much we can be innovative thinker, does not escape the importance of developing a plan that moves your ideas forward. Whether you want to start a new church, write a book, make a community organization that meets a significant need for, or develop a new product that will make life better for all ideas, no plans, just a fantasy. The world love their fantasies, but they will not be motivated to help us if they happen to have a realistic plan. So dream big, but then it would be a piece of paper and develop a plan that will turn these dreams into reality!
Dr. Terry W. Dorsett is a graduate of both the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. It serves the North American Mission Board (SBC) as a catalyst for church planting in New England.
His fresh and innovative style of speaking makes it an excellent moderator for conferences and seminars throughout the United States. He is frequently sought after speaker in local churches.
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